Monday, December 20, 2010

Same Curse, Different Verse

Robert James Ritchie says,"If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it. But... if it's real, you'll feel it."I got a real feeling it's time to fire Gary Kubiak.

The Texans are a great bunch of guys with a whole bunch of football skills and athletic ability. But, they don't look good, and you can see it. The fans' reasonable complaints don't sound good, and you can hear it. They're certainly marketed right...Reliant continues to sell out, but critics are no longer buying that the Texans can get it done. And the real need to fire the coach and get the players motivated and the team on the path to success, well, you can just feel it.

Regarding the quote at the beginning of the article: Robert's stage name is Kid Rock. You got the energy to argue with him?

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